Monday, July 30, 2007

Korean food.

Yes this is another post on food. Some people would be thinking there he goes again.Why doesn't he blog about another topic? Why must he keep rambling about what he eats or has eaten?

Well folks, I think my reply would be that on the average, an individual would eat 3 meals a day that would be Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner.If you are a Malaysian or a HObbit, then eating 3 meals a day would be unthinkable much less unacceptable.

This category of people eat breakfast,lunch,teatime breaks,dinner and supper.Not to mention the various snacks that are available in between these meals.So with this, I say that blogging about food would be a good idea.

Right then, this post would be about Korean food.Likewise, I am not too good with the names of each dish but I will try to describe it in the best way I can.

Right then first we have the basic cooking pit or kuali if you like.This is a fusion between a frying pan and a barbecue pit.

Then of course the meats goes in.It would take about 20-30 minutes to get it cooking and sizzling.This would provide plenty of time to talk and in my case take photos.

There are other side dishes that accompany the main course as well.Here we have potatoes in mayo, it is served cold possibly due to the weather in Malaysia being so hot and humid, the proprietors thought it would be a good idea.

Then of course we have another form of potatoes which would be spicy potatoes.This dish is served in what appears to be a Korean version of Sambal.Hey who says that we are the only one's that can make sambal dishes.Like the previous dish, it is served cold.

And of course a visit to a Korean restaurant would not be complete without sampling the trade Korean dish which would be Kimichi.

It is picked vegetable I think.A bit spicy but nice nevertheless.Think of it as Sayur Berempah.And as further prove that Korean Food is not all meat, here are the remaining vegetables that was served.

Now the 1st picture above seems to remind me of something, has to do with the creation of man I believe. :-p

Anyways we then have the a rice dish which is really great in taste.The mixture of spices and the vegetable would only seems to suggest that this would be Spice rice. Ha.

Right now that the meat is cooked.

Another type of meat.

Ok so this is how you eat the meat dish. You will have to put a meat in the vegetable and then eat it as you would eat a sandwich.There are sauces that you can dip your meat into and this adds extra flavour to the already spiced meat .

And there is also soup that goes with the dishes.It consist of meat, vegetable and some roots.Wow .

And last but not least, the good proprietor presented us with what he described to be Korean Pizza which included spice and bit and pieces of everything inside.

Well I got so say that this has to be one heck of a place.Never thought Korean Food would be this elaborate.And here I am thinking that Kimichi was the only dish that Korean had.Haha. Great cooking. I shall visit your restaurant again in the future.

1 comment:

John Wee said...

Good stuff. Good stuff

-John Wee-