Yeah it has been a week since this blog has been in existence.It sure feels longer than that. Must be all that legal rubbish I have been trying to memorised since this Feb.I think that you kinda lose track to the time when you study hard.Yup.
Anyway there are a few things that I would like to blog about. I do feel a bit conflicted on how to address this. Anyway, I had a reminder as to how unpredictable life is .Last week and the week before demonstrated that good and bad things coexist as the same time.I should put my trust in the Lord and have faith that he will guide these people through.
I would also like to point out that Tracy celebrated her birthday recently.Congrats to her,I hope that she had a good one.
Finally, last Saturday me and my cousin headed for Bukit Jalil stadium for the Good Charlotte concert.Now I would like to mention that people have advised me that if I went for it, I would be the only "old person" in the crowd.I am pleased to announced that this didn't happen as my cousin who is older than me beat me to that. I am not going to mention numbers here lest I end up dead in a ditch somewhere.However, I did notice that something like 80% of the crowd were teenagers.There were a few young adults and middle age people but rest assured it look and felt like a high school festival.At first my cousin and I didn't really take notice of this, but later it got to her.Don't worry,I think you and I were cool enough so that counts.Haha.
Anyway we made our way to Kl Sentral and from there we boarded the Star LRt to Bukit Jalil. We reached the place about closed to 18.00 and by then there was a q of people already waiting to get it.So we patiently await our turn,holding the tickets and finally about 18.50 we manage to get in.
The said concert started about 20.00 with opening acts by One Buckshot,Estranged and Lo. Man I have to say this, the local bands were good, especially Estranged and Lo. I mean maybe it was the sound system or something but I am certain the crowd was eating into all that the played. Estranged played the hit single,where else Lo played the radio hits such as "Old Newspaper and Evening News".With such good performances, maybe people will change their perception and local bands will receive the support that they need.
So this went on till 22.00 and at 22.20 , Good Charlotte started jamming. Now for a band which is reputed to attract teenagers, it sure doesn't feel like and look like a kiddie band.
True, there aren't obvious explicit language so this may mean that they would attract a younger age group. I did a little research and it seem that this band is classified under the genre of pop punk.

Comprising of band members-Joel and Benji Madden,Billy Martin,Paul Thomas and Dean Butterworth, they have been around since 1996.That's 11 years in the business,sweet.
They played their hits single such as "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous," "The Anthem," and "Girls and Boys" among other songs. My cousin and I didn't want to stay till then end because we anticipated that there would be an issue in regards to getting a place in the LRT once the concert was over. So we bailed out early, and headed home.
So I would say that while I am not a Good Charlotte fan, this concert was good as it performance was top notch and there were no technical problems. The songs reminded me of my life back in 2002 and how much things have change since then. A good reminder of the past.

Till the next post.
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