Friday, September 14, 2007

It was strange..

I went to a place and met these people. They looked and acted so normal that you wouldn't suspect a thing. But if you knew the background story of how they got there you would be surprised. I just wonder that sometimes when you live life, there are other who life their own lives as well and our lives and theirs might never entwine.

What I'm saying is that it is possible to not know what is happening beyond our daily schedule.It just so happen that I went beyond my normal scope of living and discovered this.

So you see you will never know what the future holds unless you take that step.

1 comment:

Serena Lim said...

Cool.. good to explore around beyond what our daily routine brings us through. well, this is the mystery of life, every step we take we discover something new. so its good that we can change our surrounding once in a while. =D