Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Right then

Now this blog has not been updated for a week. I was out of KL for about close to week and as such, was unable to gain any form of internet access to write something.

Anyhow, these days I seem to be unable to write anything that would be deem interesting of sorts. It appears that the longer I blog, the less interesting I become. Now I think this should not be the case and as such it should be the other way around where the longer I blog, the more skilled and exciting I should be.

Alas, all the juices of creativity have all but dried up and I shall need fresh inspiration to propel myself to the levels of marvellous that I once occupied.But I shall not give up and dwell in this hole of despair but rather find conform in the fact that I have not given up hope.

Now if you will excuse me, I have things to do..


Serena Lim said...

lol... all dried up? talk about something interesting le, your thoughts, your life, random things that seem not to be in place...

speakeasy said...

Yeah I just got fresh inspiration.I gonna start writing,can't wait