See now, I had a chat with my friend recently and she mention that she has been travelling to postcard perfect destination around the world.Cambodia,Thailand, and possible Turkey or Australia.
This is clearly an indication that travel is and has always been quite popular among people especially young working adults. Yeah the sun,sea and tourist.The idea of travelling the world ,getting new experiences, I mean who can say no to that.
So looks like I will be planning a trip.Possible somewhere exotic.Like this:

Now if anyone is reading this has extra moolah,please think of happiness and the well being of others.It can be very rewarding.Haha.
i assume you are talking about me :p i'm flattered that i cropped up in your blog. hehe
Now where in heaven gave you that idea?Oh right on earth.Haha. Heaven on earth. :-)
Yeah sure I take great pride in promoting my friends in my blog.That means that you should try to read my blog as much as possible for updates on the daily lives of others.
Now I sound like to gossip column!!
still with the jokes, john! so have you decided whether you'll be going on a trip anytime soon?
Yeah going to Tioman this Sunday for 3 days 2 nights.Then I might be heading to Penang,Bangkok and Australia. But the final 3 destinations are not confirm and are still in the pipeline. Are you planning to go anywhere soon?
ooh fun! you going diving? i didn't like bangkok when i was there, its worse than kl BUT it is shoppers' paradise :)
don't think i'll be going anywhere till sometime in december but not confirmed yet where i'm going - vietnam, maybe more diving trips, england (to visit people) or possibly to nepal to do some volunteering work :D
we'll see what my budget is like then cos i'm getting a laptop and a car soon BUT will definitely go somewhere, am dying to travel!
Hey you go all around the world.With all travelling, your hands should have been really tired from flying... Haha
Well yeah you should join like a backpackers association maybe you could get some discount on the accomodation. Going to NEpal? Are you part of an NGO?
Hei finally your own set of wheels.What car do you have in mind?
nope no NGO as yet, looking into it though. but this is organised by a company that specialises in volunteering opportunities.
atm, its between the nissan latio and the proton gen2 sedan but i've been changing my mind so often since i decided to get a car, i don't know. i'll tell you when i get one :)
Ah yes, choices choices. Here let me help you decide.JUst stay tune to new updates...Cheers .
btw, am not hunting for a car anymore. dad decided not to sell the pajero after his new CR-V arrived so now the pajero is mine :) pretty cool, huh?
Whoiah.Like that is the most craziest news I heard for a while. You know what this means right? The road doesn't own you, you own the road. And guess what, this gives you the perfect excuse to head to Indochina, ON THE ROAD....
i don't think i would like to drive to indochina BUT i don't mind doing a road trip around malaysia, think it would be supercool!!!
am thinking of heading to vietnam for 9 days in nov/dec (not sure which month yet) so am super excited about the planning!!! you going anywhere soon? hows your job hunting going?
Hey Vietnam. You must go to Hanoi's French Quater, it is apperantly quite authentic I heard, the locals there still speak French.
Wow Aida,You should host your own travel shown and name it Traveling Aida or something. Haha.
Well I was suppose to head to Bangkok but then I got got up with my job and part time volunteer stinct. I am selling pomelo part time now and I gonna teach English to refugrees in UNCHR.
Yeah quite a bit of stuff but am enjoying it!!
teaching english to refugees in UNHCR? thats really cool :) what was the interview process like?
i don't understand the selling pomelo thingy.
i wouldn't want to do a travelling show, i just like travelling :p but i don't mind doing a food tasting show...yummy!
Well I sent an e-mail to the person in charge and they then refered me to another person who refered me to another person who then got me to this position. It is voluntary and no experience necessary but all you need is time and effort.
You see it is the season for pomelos and it so happen that someone needed someone to sell it. I just sell it as a part time thing till the end of the month until the season ends.
You MUST start a travelling show. You can name it AIDA in Africa. I will watch it religously. I promise...
ooh that sounds like fun - do you volunteer everyday or what?
are you still looking for a paying job or is that on hold at the moment?
i will give some thought on the travelling show idea :p
Well I volunteeer once a week which is on a Friday.I went to the centre which is near Times Square on a road called Jalan Brunei Utara. Well I can say that it is pretty much like kindergarden/ tution centre.The kids are really fun and noisy, it's hard to believe that these kids are refugees.Anyways I hope to continue helping out once I start working.
Well as I said,I 'm doing this part time thing and I will be finding a full time job soon.Just have to wait till the end of the month.
Well if you do create a show,can I be on it please,please...
is it easy to become a volunteer? i would love to get involved and i love children :) could you give me more details please?
well, if i create a show, i would need to see what you can contribute to the show :p lame jokes don't count!! hehe.
Well yeah the last I heard they were still looking for volunteers to teach English.Tell you what I going there again this Friday I will ask the person in charge about this. But I think that it should be ok, you should be able to contribute.What do you plan to get involved in? Teaching?
Of course I gonna contribute something useful.After all it is a travel show based in the outdoors so contributing is gonna be a walk in the park.Haha
well what sort of things can i do as a volunteer? the thing is, i work full time so during the week, i can only help after working hours.
thanks john, i really appreciate it :) let me know once you've spoken to the person in charge.
haha we'll see about this travel show of mine :p
Yeah I know what you mean. I gonna be in the same situation by the end of the month so I think what we can do is to enquire about what we can do.The things is that they only hold classes in the mornings and in the afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They don'y hold classes at night due to security reasons.
So I guess we can only help in the weekends. Maybe it is possible to help. I find out. I will let you know.
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