Friday, May 18, 2007

A trip to Kepong..

Now I was not expecting this, but for some strange reason I agreed to accompany my sis to Kepong today.I can basically count the number of times I have been there: 1(I think) and the number of times I wanted to go there but was either too lazy or got lost on the way:A jillion..

Yeah so as a township, it is a pretty big place and where I went was possible a small part of Kepong.I heard this is the place to get cheap food.I think the CG went to Kepong for a Crab dinner about this time last year.The place could do with more signs to point out the directions.

The thing that hit me was how I as a KLian who has been living in KL for 16+years rarely venture out of my daily routine to explore new places.I mean I feel like a stranger in the city that I grew up.In fact, I think some people from outside the Klang Valley have a better understanding of KL that I do.

Maybe I should make it an effort to explore new places.Can't lose to em city slickers from out of town can I?

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