You know there are some movies that you can't seem to forget? I guess this would be one of them.Based on the novel by the author Stephen King, this was actually a book published in 1982.Strange enough, the author which is more well known for his scare stories rather than a fictions narration of a man that was unjustly accused of murder and was incarcerated in prison.There the story portrays a powerful message of hope,survival and of course,redemption.
The movie version was directed by Frank Darabont and stars Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.It was sure memorable and up to today, I can still remember the details of the story.
Man Stephen King is good.
link me back!!!
Yeah, Shawshank redemption is probably one of the best movies to come out that year. I think 1994? But it was beaten by Forrest Gump.
Ah yes, Forrest Gump.Both were good movies and I am sure the judges were having a hard time deciding who to choose as the winner.You know them rarely make these kind of movies anymore, those which leave an impact on the viewers and will always be remembered.
yup i agree...I do like and remember this movie. hv u watched 'I am Sam'?
Yeah brilliant performance by Sean penn.I heard that after every movie that he acts in, he gets mentally tired and needs a break from making movies.That how commited he is in playing the character that he is suppose to act.Put it this way,when I was watching 'I am Sam',I didn't link his performance to any other chracters that the played in other movies.That was how believable his performance was.Btw have you updated your blog?
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